onsdag 28. mars 2012
G.Orwell - 1984
Forfatter:George Orwell
Tittel:1984 (1949)
I et nøtteskall: Dystopisk sci-fi beretning om et samfunn i konstant krig, styrt av "The Party" et form for diktatur med utstrakt overvåkning og tankekontroll. The Party er en totalitær kult og styres av Big Brother. I dette samfunnet er det ikke lenger kjærlighet, barn angir foreldrene og om man ikke aksepterer at 2+2 er 5 er man riktig ille ute. Hovedpersonen Winston Smith, hater "The Party" i all hemmelighet, og drømmer om en revolusjon.
"It struck him that in moment of crisis one is never fighting against an external enemy, but always one's own body...life is a moment-to moment struggle against hunger or cold or sleeplessness, against a sour stomach or an aching tooth."
"When you make love you're using up energy; and afterwards you feel happy and don't give a damn about anything. They can't bear you to feel like that. They want you to be bursting with energy all the time. All this marching up and down and cheering and waving flags is simply sex gone sour. If you're happy inside yourself, why should you get excited about Big Brother and the Three-year plans and the Two Minutes Hate and the rest of their bloody rot?"
"The problem was how to keep the wheels of industry turning without increasing the real wealth of the world. Goods must be produced, but they must not be distributed. And in practice the only way of achieving this was by continuous warfare".
Tanker i ettertid: Har du sett Clockwork Orange eller Being John Malkovich når du har vært fyllesjuk - bør du være i stand til å forstå ubehaget som brygger opp i deg når du leser denne boka. I Orwells advarsel mot den totalitære staten er kjærligheten, språket, privatlivet og en definisjon av frihet hele partispekteret bør kunne stille seg bak - tapt for befolkningen. Tankene går fort til Nord Korea, der en tidligere ambssadør fortalte at han kunne si til veggen på kontoret "nå er det jammen på tide å måke snø" på svensk, og en time senere var det måket utenfor ambassaden.
Anbefales: alle, det er jo en klassiker.
Karakter: B
fredag 23. mars 2012
J.Moyes - Me Before You
Forfatter: Jojo Moyes
Tittel: Me before you (2012)
I et nøtteskall: Louisa Clark mister jobben når den lokale kafeen legges ned. Gjennom arbeidsformidlingskontoret tilbys hun en 6 måneders kontrakt som pleieassistent for rullestolbundene og sterkt handicappede Will Treynor. Nå tenker du kanskje at du vet hvordan dette kommer til å arte seg, at hun blir en solstråle i hans liv og at de finner kjærligheten. Konflikten ligger i at Will er mest opptatt av retten til å dø.
"In my little room at home, I opened it out, pinned it carefully to the back of my door and marked the date when I had started at the Traynors', way back at the beginning of February. Then I counted forward, and marked the date - 12 August- now barely four months ahead. I took a step back and stared at it for a while, trying to make the little black ring bear some of the weight of what it heralded. And as I stared, I began to realize what I was taking on. I would have to fill those little white rectangles with a lifetime of things that could generate happiness, contentment, satisfaction and pleasure."
"Don't be grumpy. They say you should try everything once", I said.
"I think horse riding falls into the "except incest and morris dancing" category".
"Here's the thing about middle-class people. They pretend not to look, but they do. They were too polite to actually stare. Instead they did this weird thing of catching sight of Will in their field of vision and then determinedly not looking at him. Until he'd gone past, at which point their gaze would flicker towards him, even while they remained in conversation with someone else. They wouldn't talk about him, though. Because that would be rude".
Tanker i ettertid: Denne historien ligger litt for tett opp til chickflicksjangeren til å gjøre noe voldsomt inntrykk, men jeg tok innover meg hvordan de to hovedkarakterene virkelig lytter til hverandre, noe som kan høres fjernt ut - til du har lest boka.
Anbefales: Jenter i alderen 16-35, som er ute etter rask underholdning.
Karakter: C
L.Ibrahim - Yellow Crocus
Forfatter: Laila Ibrahim
Tittel: Yellow Crocus (2010)
I et nøtteskall: Boka jeg var redd "The Help" skulle være. Slave-amme bonder emosjonelt med hvit, rik pike i ekte kiosklitteraturstil.
”Young ladies may speak to young men about the weather, meals, clothing and their relatives. Avoid conversation concerning politics, finance or religion. Though a gentleman may bring up such topics, and a lady must follow where a gentleman leads, a skilled lady will return the conversation to an appropriate topic”.
”Focus on bearing, and beauty will follow. Your looks will not remain with you for life. But your bearing will go with you to the grave, Elizabeth.”
”Slaves are only three-fifths of a man. They are not entitled to the same rights as Christians".
Tanker i ettertid: Yellow Crocus er en fin historie som beklageligvis i større grad er referatført enn forfattet. Vi følger hovedpersonene Mattie og Elizabeth gjennom flere år og selv om boka er begivenhetsrik, fanger det aldri interessen min fullstendig. Det blir litt som Bernard i TV-serien "Black books" sa; "Enjoy, It's dreadful - but quite short."
Anbefales: Gamle tanter man ikke liker særlig godt?
Karakter: D
mandag 5. mars 2012
K.Stockett - The Help
Forfatter: Kathryn Stockett
Tittel: The Help (2009)
I et nøtteskall: Hvordan det er å oppdra hvite barn som sort hushjelp i sørstatene i beste (?) Madmen-tid.
"Miss Leefolt, she like it fancy when she do a luncheon. Maybe she trying to make up for her house being small. They ain't rich folk, that I know. Rich folk don't try so hard."
"You is smart. You is kind. You is important"
"Now I had babies be confuse before. John Green Dudley, first word out a that boy's open mouth was Mama and he was looking straight at me. But then pretty soon he calling everybody including hisself Mama, and calling his daddy Mama too. Did that for a long time. Nobody worry bout it. Course when he start playing dress up in his sister's Jewel Taylor twirl skirts and wearing Chanel Number 5, we all get a little concern."
"Today I'm telling you bout a man from outer space". She just loves hearing about peoples from outer space. Her favorite show on the tee-vee is My Favorite Martian. I pull out my antennae hats I shaped last night out of tinfoil, fasten em on our heads. One for her and one for me. We look like a couple a crazy people in them things.
"One day a wise Martian come down to Earth to teach us people a thing or two", I say.
"Martian? How big?"
"Oh, he about six-two".
"What is his name?"
"Martian Luther King".
"What did you learn today?" I ask even though she ain't in real school just the pretend kind. Other day, when I ask her, she say "Pilgrims. They came over and nothing would grow so they ate the Indians".
Tanker i ettertid: Jeg hadde mine fordommer mot denne boka. Jeg tenkte "dette har jeg lest før", akkurat som man ikke nødvendigvis løper til kinoen når det kommer enda en film lagt til 2. verdenskrig. Vel, kjæresten min løper til kinoen da, men det er ikke poenget. Poenget er at jeg gledet meg til å lese boka etter jeg hadde sett filmen, og det skjer jo ikke så ofte da!
Anbefales: Egentlig alle, men jeg tror kvinner i alle aldre er de som liker den best!
Karakter: B+