Tittel: The Fountainhead (1943
Forfatter: Ayn Rand
I et nøtteskall: Individualismens kamp med kollektivismen - hva er et godt menneske og hva er gode verdier?
“You must learn how to handle people.” “I can’t.” “Why?” “I don’t know how. I was born without some one particular sense.” “It’s something one acquires.” “I have no organ to acquire it with. I don’t know whether it’s something I lack, or something extra I have that stops me. Besides, I don’t like people who have to be handled.”
"Don’t tell me about your family, your childhood, your friends or your feelings. Tell me about the things you think.” Mallory looked at him incredulously and whispered: “How did you know that?” Roark smiled and said nothing. “How did you know what’s been killing me? Slowly, for years, driving me to hate people when I don’t want to hate.... Have you felt it, too? Have you seen how your best friends love everything about you—except the things that count? And your most important is nothing to them, nothing, not even a sound they can recognize. You mean, you want to hear? You want to know what I do and why I do it, you want to know what I think? It’s not boring to you? It’s important?”
Tanker i ettertid: Jeg elsker virkelig denne boka. Det den mangler i handling på overflaten tar den igjen i intelligente tankerekker.
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